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Writer's pictureDr. Pinaze S Mitra

Training Program in learning disabilities for School Teachers

Updated: Aug 6, 2020

The Indian education system has seen a rise in numbers of Children With Special Needs (CWSN). Even though there have been a number of conclaves & conferences there is no central government consensus on including Inclusive Education as a major part of the D.Ed, B.Ed & M.Ed course. Though there are several private agencies, NGOs & semi-governmental institutions, that are working on various segments of the Indian educational system, it is imperative to understand that policy in India has always leaned towards inclusion.

From the constitution, to the Kothari Commission upto the 2006 National Policy for People with Disabilities recently, the Indian government tends towards writing inclusive policies on education. However, these policies often are not absolutely inclusive. At present, the problem is with implementation.

Statistics on disability in India vary widely & its accuracy is always questionable. However, most of the statistics point to three major things

  1. gaps in the Indian education system,

  2. the marginalization of children with various disabilities,

  3. the need of the Government of India to step up efforts to reach the goal of “education for all.”

In accordance, the authors researched the existing awareness levels of principals, teachers & trainee teachers regarding Inclusion & Learning Disabilities. Based on this, a training programme was designed. A pre-test & post-test was administered before & after the training programme respectively, the scores were collected & analysed to enable a better insight into the effect of this training program on Learning Disabilities, for regular B.Ed teachers.

In the present research paper, the authors analyse & showcase their findings.

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